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Staffing News
November 14th - 2023

No thanks, I'm not looking for a job.

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Staffing News

Posted By : Peter Learn
November 14th, 2023

No thanks, I'm not looking for a job.

I have thousands of conversations a year with people about their careers. Most people fall into one of three categories:

No thanks, I'm not looking for a job
  1. Unhappy with their job and actively want to leave
  2. Happy in their job but open to exploring other opportunities
  3. Extremely happy and devoted and would never leave no matter the circumstance (This is very rare)

This means that most of the people that I speak with are potentially open to new opportunities. Despite this fact, the most common initial response that I get is "no thanks". People don't like change and will often not follow through until a situation becomes negative. This, despite the fact that a much better situation could be sitting right in front of them.

I worked with a candidate whose initial response to my call was "not interested". I was genuinely curious and asked, "what are you not interested in?" as I had not even proposed anything yet. This person was really saying no to the idea of change, even though he was open to it.

We had several conversations to establish some trust. It turns out the role that I was offering was a much better fit for this person on several fronts. It was closer to home, better working hours and better growth potential. The compensation was the same, but that is a subject for another blog!

This candidate ended up taking the position and is much happier. We still laugh about the "not interested" conversation. Take a minute and ask yourself which category you fall into. If it is one of the first two, remember your human tendency to say "no" the next time a recruiter calls and first, try to determine what they have to offer. It may just be the thing that you weren't looking for.

Peter Learn
Peter Learn
National Accounts Manager
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