When you ask the 'Right' Questions, you will
acquire the 'Right' Client.
Posted By : Chantelle Morin
June 1st, 2022
When you ask the 'Right' Questions, you will acquire the 'Right' Client ...
As we all know our business is very competitive. We often work for free on a search unless our candidate is hired. Conducting a search properly can be both time consuming and expensive. Clients expect (as well they should) fast, efficient and effective service. Candidates should be met and screened.
Their skills should be tested and their references checked. Interview scheduling and offer negotiation should be handled quickly and professionally. What should we as Account Managers expect in return?
Here is a list of questions that I often use in deciding if a prospective client will be one that I can build a relationship with. These questions assume that you know the company uses agencies and that the type of recruiting that your company does will be a good match.
Staffinity's ability to collaborate and clearly understand your corporate requirements, combined with an extensive inventory of pre-qualified, highly skilled full-time and temporary candidates, will make sure we cover and strictly consider experience as well as reputation during the qualification process.
Happy hunting!